Kaidan is a quest-aware follower, professionally voiced by Daniel Matthew Lemon.
He is written to be a more immersive romantic option for the player.
Advancing your relationship with Kaidan is not dependant on any questlines, instead,
you are encouraged to interact with him and see the bond develop over time.
凱丹是一位值得追求的追隨者,由Daniel Matthew Lemon專業配音。
Kaidan can be found in the Abandoned Prison and becomes a follower once freed.
---Note: The vanilla Abandoned Prison has a bit of a bug with followers,
losing track of them when you leave. This bug should be fixed with the
Unnoficial Skyrim Patch. Otherwise, a simple fast-travel when you're outside the
prison will make Kaidan appear again.
離開時失去他們的踪跡。 這個bug應該用Unnoficial Skyrim Patch(非官方補丁)。
If you dissmiss him, he will return to the Dead man's Drink in Falkreath.
Kaidan's gear can be found in a 'Prisoner belongings' chest in the same room as Cyrelian.
You can keep the bow if you like, but he'll bug you a bit about his armour if you're
carrying it around with you. You can craft your own set at any forge.
隨身攜帶 你可以任意鍛造自己的套裝。
Kaidan has his own follower AI system so while he won't add to your follower count,
he also can't be controlled by mods like Amazing Follower Tweaks. You can still inspect and
modify his gear to decide what he will wear and what weapons he will use. Keep in mind, he
also will not automatically spawn arrows, you'll need to supply him with those. 100 steel
arrows can be found in the same chest as his warbow.
記住,他也不會自動產生箭頭,你需要為他提供這些箭頭。 100鋼箭頭可以在與他的長弓在相同的箱子找到。
The Let's Rest option is available in pretty much any safe area. In this state, more
dialogue options are available and Kaidan will use any idle markers in the area, eat,
drink, and sleep. He will do this until you tell him to follow you again, so use this
option if you want him to stay somewhere specific (your player house, a tavern, a campsite)
rather than heading back to Falkreath.
休息選項可用於幾乎任何安全區域。 在這個狀態下,更多對話選項可用,凱丹將使用該區域中的任何空閒標記,吃,喝,睡覺。 他會這樣做,直到你告訴他再次跟著你,所以使用這個
Put on an Amulet of Mara and have a chat to him. This will open up more romantic dialogue
options that will progress over time. After the initial conversation about the Amulet,
you don't need to keep wearing it for the relationship to progress. A marriage/wedding
is being worked on and will be avilable in fututre updates, for now the aim was to create
a roleplay-friendly relationship that feels organic.
穿上瑪拉護符,和他聊天。 這將開闢更浪漫的對話
隨著時間推移的選擇。 在關於護符的初步談話之後,
你不需要繼續穿著它的關係進步。 婚姻/婚禮
Kaidan is in Skyrim digging up information about his past. This investigation is not a guided
quest and a few clues can be found across the land, and are easiest to come by simply by
working your way through the main quest line. Your ability to translate dragon runes will
depend on how many words of power you know, or how far you are in the quest. You do not need
all clues to complete the investigation; hell, if you can speak dragon and translate the clue
on the sword yourself, go for it. Thuum.org can be useful.
凱丹在天際中挖掘了他過去的信息。 這次調查不是指導
通過主要任務線工作。 你能夠翻譯龍符文將會
你不需要所有線索完成調查; 地獄,如果你能說龍,翻譯線索
在你自己的劍上,去吧。 Thuum.org可以很有用。
Kaidan has custom hair, eyes, brows, and face-tint, however no alterations have been made to
his vanilla race body. This means he's compatible with any body-mesh and texture mods you use
and will not add unexpected nudity to the game. Don't have any body mods? Check out "Better
Males" by Chris57 and FavoredSoul, author reccomended mod
他的香草種族體。 這意味著他與您使用的任何body-mesh和texture mods兼容
並且不會添加意想不到的裸體的遊戲。 沒有任何身體模特?
Want to get to all the lovey-dovey stuff quicksmart? Or stuck and don't know how to move your
relationship with Kaidan forward? There's a few ways to get there, but this is the
fastest and most streamlined way. Personally I don't really reccomend it, it's a bit more fun to
take your time, and mix up these conversations to suit your rp. But hey, this way is quick.
想要得到所有的愛到肉麻的東西快速方式? 或者卡關,不知道如何推進你
就個人而言,我真的不推薦它,這更有趣花時間,混合這些對話,以適應您的rp。 但嘿,這樣很快。
1) Once you have him as a followeer, ask what happened with the Thalmor and complete the conversation.
2) You will now need to finish off 2 random conversations you can have with him in the world. First,
go to WHITERUN. He'll be a grouch about the defenses and let you know. Respond however you like.
Ask him if he knows any jokes. He does. If it's any good or not is up for debate.
2)你現在需要完成與世界各地的2次隨機對話。 第一,
去白漫。 他會為防守而煩惱,讓你知道。回應你喜歡的。
問他是否知道任何笑話。 他有做,向好的方向還是不要辯論。
3)The second conversation could be one of a few interactions, but it's probably easier to fast travel
to RIFTEN or WINTERHOLD. Speak to him very breifly in Riften about the socio-economic climate, or ask
what he thinks of the College while you're out in Winterhold.
到裂谷或冬駐。 或者問他在裂谷對他的社會經濟氣候問題非常細緻
4) Find somewhere to rest with him. You have the dialogue option to ask him how he is. He will respond
and ask you in turn. It doesn't matter how you answer.
4)找到某處休息。 你有對話選項來問他是怎麼回事。 他會回應
並反過來問你。 你怎麼回答都沒關係
5) Now, he wants to know about you. He has three questions: Where are you from, do you have family,
and (if you have completed Dragon Rising) who were you before you discovered you were Dragonborn.
Answer however you like.
5)現在,他想知道你。 他有三個問題:你來自哪裡,你有家庭,
6) Time to find out about him! Ask him what he's doing in Skyrim. He'll bang on about that for a bit.
6)時間了解他! 問他在天際中他在做什麼。他會喋喋不休一下。
7) You can then choose "Tell me about yourself" again, and ask him what his story is. He'll tell you
a fair bit, but soon become reluctant to talk more.
7)然後你可以再次選擇“告訴我關於你自己”,問他的故事是什麼。 他會告訴你
8) This is where, if you hadn't finished the Whiterun dialogue and one of the other various conversations
in the world, he would refuse to tell you any more about himself. But you can now assure him that he
can open up to you. He'll tell you about the shadier parts of his past.
但你現在可以向他保證他,可以開放給你 他會告訴你他過去的陰暗的部分。
9) Asking him about himself one more time gives you an option to ask how his guardian died.
10) The next conversation won't be available unless you're out doors and not in any
major city. He looks troubled! Ask him what's wrong, and finish the conversation. You have an option
here to be a bit of a dick and tell him to leave. It's far less time-consuming to just use the nice
主要城市。 他看起來有麻煩! 問他有什麼問題,完成談話。 你有一個選擇
這裡是一個婆媽,讓他離開。 使用漂亮的東西要花費更少的時間響應。
11) If you're not already, rest somewhere with him.
12) Time to put on that Amulet of Mara and get yo flirt on. Once you can ask him, "Have you ever thought
about marriage?" you dont need to wear the Amulet anymore. You've got his interest.
12)時間穿上瑪拉護身符,並讓你調情。 一旦你可以問他,“你有沒有想過
13) Complete each new conversation prompt as it appears. In order: "I'm surprised you're not taken",
"Have you ever been in love?", "I'm going to sleep." He will hit on you then. You can respond however you
like. Yes, no, or a platonic snuggle, the quest will still move forward, but there's a chance his
dialogue will vary depending on how you respond and have played your character.
13)完成每個新的對話提示。 為了:“我很驚訝你沒有被帶走。”,
“你有沒有愛過?”,“我要睡覺了”。 他會追擊你。 你可以回復你喜歡。
14) He's got a present for you! Get your new necklace. He's being coy about something.
14)他有一個禮物給你! 拿你的新項鍊,他正在靦腆某事。
15) If you're out in the wilderness, you can ask him what he thinks your next move should be. But he's
troubled by something, and is avoiding telling you want. Pester him about it till he admits what's
on his mind.
15)如果你在曠野,你可以問他他認為下一步應該是什麼。 但他是
困擾著一些東西,正在避免告訴你想要的。 告訴他,直到他承認什麼
16) After that revelation, you can ask him again how he feels about you, and you have the option to tell
him you love him. Dawww. Finish that conversation and you got yourself a boyfriend. Kaidan will have more
affectionate dialogue after that.
他愛他。 完成那個談話,你就擁有了一個男朋友。 凱丹會有更多的
17) Wait for the Marriage add-on for him to pop the bloody question already.
This is a walk-through for the INVESTIGATION, if you'd rather figure it out yourself,
avoid this part.
Sword - The Dovahzul runes translate to 'Search (the) Ancient Bones-Of-Enemies'.
If your character is able to translate this Kaidan will suggest the dragons as old
enemies of the Blades.
劍 - Dovahzul符文翻譯成“搜索(古代骨頭之敵人”)。
Dossier - In the Thalmor embassy, a dossier on the Akaviri can be found. It will point
to Northwind Summit as the next place of interest. Northwind Summit is a dragon lair
in the Rift that can be acessed through Northwind mine.
檔案 - 在梭默大使館,可以找到阿卡維爾的檔案。 會指出
到北風首腦會議作為下一個興趣點。 北風峰會是龍巢
left behind by the previous residents. The real clue is carved onto the stone in Dovahzul.
Translated, it says "Search Viinturuth Tomb".
Northwind隱藏的緩存 - 峰頂一個挖空的石頭包含一些項目
留下以前的居民。 真正的線索雕刻在Dovahzul的石頭上。
The Cairn - Viinturuth is a named dragon you can see being resurected by Alduin at
the burial mound WNW of Agna's Mill. After the cairn has been opened and the dragon
defeated, a chest is revealed to have been buried there.
石塚 - 一個名叫維因圖盧茲的龍,你可以看到被Alduin所復原
阿格娜的埋葬WNW。 在石塚開了龍之後